Thursday, 19 September 2013

Lessons that we can learn from the life of Professor Ahmad Ibrahim.

First: The importance of leaving behind a legacy that will be 
beneficial to future generations. Allah s.w.t. says in the Qur'an, surah Yasin verse 12: 
Which means: "Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life and record what they have put forth and what they left behind, and all things We have enumerated in a clear register." 5 

Sheikh Wahbah Az-Zuhaily in his tafsir book explained that the phrase "what they have left behind" refers to the lasting impact and benefits of their practices and contributions, even after they have left the world. These contributions could be in the form of charitable donations, knowledge that can be passed on to others and so on. 

Let’s take a moment to think. If our time has come to leave this world, what have we contributed, and what good deeds can we bring with us when we meet Allah s.w.t? 
Have we made contributions that will continue to benefit others even after we have passed away? How did we make use of the age, wealth, knowledge, talents and energy that we had, to develop an ongoing legacy well beyond our time on this earth? 

Remember, there is no contribution that is too small in the sight of Allah. Perhaps we do not own enormous amounts of wealth, or vast knowledge, but we have children and grandchildren. They are our heritage. If we educate and raise them to be individuals who bring benefit to others, then we will also reap the benefits of their good deeds 

Second: We must be confident and have the vision to contribute as much as we can, and as widely as we are able to Professor Ahmad Ibrahim's significant contributions can also be seen in his academic and scholarly efforts in developing expertise n Islamic law within the region. His valuable contributions not only benefited Singapore, but also the region. Through his appointment as a lecturer at the university, thousands of legal scholars from various countries -in this region and globally- have benefited from his extensive knowledge. His contributions were so great that it led the International Islamic University of Malaysia to name the law faculty after him, the Law Faculty of Ahmad Ibrahim. This is indeed a reminder that even though we are from a small country like Singapore, we are capable of contributing to this region and the world. This is what it means by rahmatan lil’alamin, which we are often reminded of. 

Third: To appreciate our time in this world, that Allah has given to us.
Every single minute that passes by is a golden opportunity for us. It is a question of whether we choose to take full advantage of it, or otherwise. Rasulullah s.a.w. was asked: 
“Ya Rasulullah s.a.w who is the kindest person?” Nabi s.a.w. said: 
Which means: “Whoever who lives a long life and has good 
deeds.” The man asked again: “And who is the worst?” Rasulullah s.a.w. replied: “Whoever lives a long life, but has bad deeds.” [Hadith narrated by Imam Tirmizi]

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