Thursday, 26 September 2013

There are several lessons from Ibnu Qayyim's personality that we can all emulate

First: The need to have a more holistic understanding of religion and a comprehensive approach; taking into account the situation and living environment, the needs of the community, and the peculiarities of the different places and time. In our attempt of understanding the religion better, we should prevent ourselves from carrying out any hukum in a rigid manner to the extent that it might lead to difficulties in carrying it out.

If we were to understand in a more holistic manner, we would be able prevent a difficult and restrictive application of our beautiful religion. Please bear in mind that the Shariah continues to be relevant for every time and place. Allah says in surah al-Maidah, verse 48:
Which means: "To each of you We prescribed a law and a method."

Second: In understanding any religious opinion, we must first seek to understand the background, the situation and objective of the religious opinion that was issued. Perhaps, a scholar gave the opinion based on the culture and challenges of the community he was from, which may be different from that of ours. We must remember that any fatwa issued locally takes into account the maslahat, needs, interests and context of the Singapore Muslim community. Accepting any fatwa issued in another country in totality, without studying the country's situation and environment, may lead to misunderstanding, conflicts and division within our community. The younger generation may be particularly more exposed to all sorts of information about the religion from the Internet. They may be driven to seek information from the Internet because they want faster access to information, or would like to read about a fatwa quickly. Hence, we need to be very careful in assessing and adopting religious opinions, especially if they are sourced solely from the Internet.

The third lesson: In every individual's journey to deepen his or her understanding and appreciation of Islam, there is a need for balance in the development of both mind and soul. For those who are keen on the study of jurisprudence, and from an intellectual perspective of the religion, they must also ensure that they develop their spirituality, and at the same time maintain purity of the soul and good akhlak. This is because knowledge without akhlak is a betrayal to the Islamic tradition of knowledge. And for those who are keen toward spiritual activities, they must also develop their academic understanding and religious thought with knowledge of hadith, tafsir and so on. This is to ensure that while they develop themselves spiritually, they will also continue to remain within the guidelines of traditional scholars of Islam.

Let us increase our knowledge, especially about the Shariah. A more extensive knowledge and deeper understanding of it will strengthen our relationship with Allah. The more we love Islam, the more we will be able to contribute toward the betterment of humankind. May Allah guide us in our efforts to continue the passionate work of our scholars in shining the lives of the ummah with knowledge, to seek Allah's pleasure in this world and the hereafter. Amin. Ya Rabbal ’Alamin. 

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